- Event
The advertising arm has been given a brand new website

Every day, Radio France Internationale offers independent and verified news, allowing everyone to form their own opinion on major news events. It is recognised for the quality of its news coverage and the professionalism of its teams. Thanks to essential daily magazine shows, such as Appels sur l’Actualité and Priorité Santé, with exceptional journalists who are highly esteemed by listeners, RFI gives a voice to those who listen, part of a continuing concern to be close to its audiences. This proximity is reinforced by the presence of its correspondents in different countries as well as by its editorial offices in Dakar, Nairobi and Lagos, which offer content in Mandingo, Fula, Kiswahili and Hausa.
RFI is a news and current affairs radio station as well as a general-interest station for civil society, whose diversity and dynamism it promotes. The Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mauritania, Democratic Republic of Congo: the decline of the pandemic has allowed RFI’s programmes to go in the field, listening to the public it serves, to their questions and their aspirations. RFI covers politics but also health, economics, culture, food and fashion. Magazine shows such as Légendes Urbaines, Couleurs Tropicales and the Prix RFI Découverte show how African artists are also pioneers in the music field. The Challenge App Afrique, which each year rewards a digital app project in a given field (health, education, sustainable development), bears witness to the technological creativity of the continent, particularly of its young people.
RFI is more than a radio station. It has become a global media with a strong digital presence, both in French and in its 15 other languages, through its platforms and social networks. And the ratings speak for themselves. In francophone Africa, RFI is by far the leading international radio station, thanks to the unrivalled coverage of its territories by its 152 transmitters and the use of its programmes by its more than 500 partner radio stations!
Being or becoming an advertiser on RFI means associating your brand with a credible and powerful media outlet, open to modernity and innovation, concretely committed to important values such as equality between women and men, social and environmental responsibility and sustainable development. This new site shows you how you can be certain of effective media plans, both locally and across Africa, linear as well as on all digital media, with new communication possibilities available in 2022.
Welcome to the world of RFI,
Serge Schick